
Dont Forget Will You

Hello darlings,

I have finally come to my senses and realise that I am old and perhaps the first stage of dementia. Yep it’s no good trying to pretend that it is all going to disappear and everything will be normal again. In fact I am sure that there must be some statistic to prove that a university in the middle of America can prove that all my eating habits are either making me fade away to a toilet pulp or simply I am loosing my mind.

It’s true that there are many ways to prove that you are loosing your mind like me, such as today I was shopping away not taking any notice of the time when the shops started to close. Even though I had my shopping list that I filled out last week but forgot about it and didn’t realise.

I decided to go to the supermarket and be attended to in a friendly way (not) and then couldn’t remember what the hell I needed. So in my usual way I purchased everything that I already had the in cupboard.

Then to find out I the trolley dolly fashion that I couldn’t remember where the car was to get the bloody things home.

Each day and I have to write myself little messages usually like, “don’t forget to not forget that if you forget you’re in trouble”. I am the only person at the moment who has a post it note on my bottom so when I’m off to the toilet I wont forget which end to put down first. Currently my husband is putting post notes on my clothes, fridge and even the washing basket but the problem is that I can’t remember to read them.

Oh what am I going to do?

I have written to Athena star women but forgot to attach a stamp; I wrote an email to ask the doctor.com but then forgot to pay the internet bill. I even asked my neighbor but forgot he didn’t speak English.

Instead I have looked far and wide, deep and low and round to get the results that I need. I have realised that no matter how much you remember, and how often you remember it’s sometimes a bit nice to forget too. And until I lower perhaps my drinking habits and late night socializing then perhaps I should just forget it.

As I write a reminder to purchase a gift for mum on Mothers Day, perhaps you should remember to call her too.

Love Sandy

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